All is Calm All is Bright DIY Farmhouse Christmas Sign
How to Make an All is Calm Christmas Sign
It can be very funny where inspiration comes from. One morning I was enjoying my first cup of morning brew looking at the new fox picture I adore. It only comes in one size that is too small to fill the alcove over the fireplace. Daydreaming about how to fix the mantel I thought that fox looks so calm in that oh so bright snow. It turned on a lightbulb, that calm and bright were in a Christmas carol lyric.
Thirty seconds later Google showed me the lyrics to Silent Night and voila I had my 2017 Christmas theme. I was very excited because within five minutes of the defining my Christmas theme I had six ideas for Christmas decor posts including this one for diy Christmas art.

The wood on this sign was originally a long stair to the back balcony. It was missing most of the paint so I gave it a really good scrub, let it dry and then applied one very light coat of white paint and sanded it in spots.
DIY Christmas Art Tutorial
You will need
1 length of 1 by 6″ lumber 48″ long, scrap wood is just fine
150 grit sandpaper
A tiny bit of white paint and a brush
Soft charcoal pencil
Silver and dark grey paint pens
Picture hanging kit of your choice
If you’re using bare lumber, sand until smooth and then apply a light coat of white paint You want the grain of the wood to still shine through. Let dry, decide if you want another coat of paint, if you like it as is you’re done.
Apply the Lettering
The font for calm and bright is named AR Bonnie and the size is 350. The font for all is is named Honey Script and the size is size 313. If you’re wanting a different size of sign you can just create it in Microsoft word, otherwise here is the pdf version of the All is Calm print out.
Print out on letter size paper, place the good side on a window and track the backside with a soft charcoal pencil until the letters are filled.
Place the lettering a bit offside to leave room for a snowflake. Hold the charcoal side down onto the board and rub really well with your finger. Your transferred lettering will be fairly easy to see.
Trace the outside of the lettering with a Sharpie paint pen. I used a silver coloured pen for the all is wording and a dark grey pen for Calm and Bright. Let dry thoroughly then wipe off the charcoal with a damp rag. Once cleaned off fill in the letters with the paint pen.
We had two wood snowflakes that I use to hang on the mirrors. This year I simply glued them to two different Christmas signs. This sign and the Frosty’s baby pic art.
Second Smaller All is Calm Sign
To carry the theme up to the second floor I created a matching sign. This sign was made with leftover wood so its shorter and doesn’t have the snowflake. We made a little shelf for it to hang over instead.
It was made by exactly the same method.
The star that leans against the sign is very sparkly and shines in the daylight hours because is next to a very large window. It is all very crisp and white just like the original fox picture that inspired me in the beginning.
The addition of the artwork to first the fox picture and then the star shelf fill the wall space whereas any of the pieces on their own would have been too small to create a focal point. I love how they turned out and hope you do as well.
Great sign, Leanna. I love that song and any reminder of it perfectly sets the Christmas mood. 🙂
Thank you Stephanie. It ended up being the mood I tried to capture in all my Christmas decorating.
This is absolutely beautiful Leanna, such a delicate effect.
Thank you Julie. I am so happy to hear it, I spent a whole morning trying out different fonts to find a delicate one. Love that you picked up on it.
Enjoy your holidays.
That is a lovely sign. Now I am thinking of a saying I could use for year round.
Thank you Elise. These little diy signs are so easy to put together and have fun with. Let me know if you make one and what phrase you choose.
What a gorgeous sign and it is beautiful with that pic!!!
Thank you very much Debra. So simple and inexpensive to make, the only hard part is coming up with the best saying.
I just love this look, Leanna. It’s so full of Christmas joy! Everything you create is simply beautiful!
I really appreciate the comment Carolann. I have always told everyone that I chose white decor because I find it so joyous. I love that you defined it that way to me. Thanks bunches lady.
Love your beautiful timeworn looking holiday signs. Great tutorial too btw! Silent Night – one of my favorite holiday songs that has been resonating deeply with me this year.
I really enjoy the traditional Christmas carols. Thank you for the feedback on my tutorial. Its tough to know how detailed you should make them.
This is beautiful! I love the softness of the lettering and using the silver as well. Lovely.
Thank you Lauren. I wanted the lettering soft to match the Calm and Bright idea. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.