Take a Time Out Stool Garage Sale Makeover
DIY Stool Makeover into a Time Out Stool
Have you ever been in the middle of something and thought “Wow I need a time out”? Up until I turned 55 I didn’t know what being out of energy felt like, it may have something to do with super over active adrenaline glands, etc but whatever the reason running out of energy was a totally new concept to me. These days I can go until dinner time and then really feel the need to just “SIT” for an hour or two to recharge. That feeling was my inspiration for this garage sale stool into a time out stool makeover idea.
As a bonus it can also be used as a “time out” spot for anyone else in your family who needs to chill for a little bit. Later on I may make some with “Time Out” written on them.
This is how the $5.00 garage sale stool started out. I scooped it up as I was on the hunt for one for my time out stool idea I cannot locate my before picture but its plain jane light oak.
Farmhouse Time Out Stool Makeover Tutorial
Lamp White Fusion Mineral Paint
Coal Black Fusion Mineral Paint
Tiny brush
Carbon paper
220 grit and 1000 grit sandpaper
Synthetic bristled brush
Mr Clean Sponge
The DIY stool makeover is pretty typical and easy, but I will run through the steps.
My new love is Fusion Mineral Paint, I haven’t contacted them yet, but I should see if they will share the product with me so I can review it for you. Even after purchasing this paint I can tell you I love it. It gives a beautiful matte finish, covers really well, and its self sealing. No waxing needed. This is a game changer for me. A sample size would work for this project. The colour on this stool is called Lamp White, the stencil is done with Coal Black.
After grabbing the paint, the stool was scrubbed well with just dish soap and water. Let dry.
Next using 220 grit sandpaper I gave it a light sanding to get rid of any gloss. I will often sand furniture to the bare wood, this time it was NOT needed.
I then used a brush with synthetic fibres and gave the stool two coats of the lamp white fusion mineral paint. Letting it dry between each coat.
If you love ultra smooth surfaces like I do, sand each coat with 1000 grit sandpaper. It works really well.
That’s it.
Applying the Transfer
This part was as difficult this time as the painting was easy. I was ready to toss the stool out the patio doors before I got the pattern transferred and centered the way I want.
I will save you some time and suggest skipping any short cuts and just trace the pattern onto the chair with carbon paper and the printout.
Once the transfer was done, I filled it any missing spots “very lightly” by sketching in the missing bits with a light pencil.
Then using Fusion Coal Black and a tiny brush I started in the middle painting the work sit first, before working my way around the little wreath. I am sharing a picture of how tiny the little paint brush it.
Dip the tiny brush into the paint and brush excess off onto a paper towel, until you comfortable with how much paint you need.
The leaves needed more paint then the fainter wreath outline did. The wreath part is painted on in patches so its not too perfect and looking like a circle.
Once the stencil is painted let the stool dry for a full day, before removing any smudges from the carbon paper and the pencil outlines using a Mr Clean eraser. It worked like a charm.
This little stool has proven to be very handy. Hubs is even using it when puttering on something.
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Would you consider making a time out bench either for you or your children to take a much needed breather? Do you think this is a good idea? I would love your feedback.
Thanks Leanna
I need to find me a stool to make this pretty! Love the stencil, Leanna… You did a lovely job and making this stool ‘new’ again! Hope we get to see it at Tuesday Turn About!
Very cute makeover!
Love this makeover and the design that you used! And glad that you are liking Fusion! Perfect to enjoy a little time out.
This is an awesome makeover!! I love it! I would give myself lots of time outs. 🙂
I love this stool. Sometimes you just need to set a spell.
Very cute stool makeover, Leanna, love the graphic! If that time out stool were at my house, well let’s just say it would get well used. LOL Pinned 🙂
Love your adult time out seat!!! I have a stool in my kitchen that I may just have to make over like this! I also Love the bench you made from the old headboard. That is truly a beauty!