Easy DIY Spring Wreath with Dollar Tree Supplies
This DIY Spring wreath is an easy project featuring a cheerful floral wood bunny so it works well for Spring and Easter wreaths. The Dollar Tree and Dollar Store have improved their selection of craft supplies.
If you have to purchase everything for this fun bunny Spring wreath it will cost $ 15. Using equivalent supplies from your stash you can make it for even less. I think it’s a beautiful Spring wreath that’s large enough for the front door, but you could hang it anywhere you want to add a little pop of color to your Spring decor.
It’s pretty early for Spring here and like every year I am desperate for the Spring season to arrive. My favorite part of Spring is the bunnies, so I began with that idea as the focal point of our DIY Spring wreath. The first thing we will do is create the bunny. Once the bunny is finished we will start the floral wreath.
How to Make a DIY Spring Wreath
Here are the supplies you need to make your own Spring wreath. Everything is from the Dollar Tree, except for the large wreath frame you can grab it from the Dollar Store. You will want the larger 15-inch wreath form as it’s the right size for the bunny.
Spring Wreath DIY Supplies List
For the Wooden Bunny
- Wooden bunny cut-out
- White craft paint
- Soft pink craft pant
- Flower wall sticker
- Small paint brush
For the Wreath
- Large 15-inch4-wire wreath form
- 2 packages of white rope, ( the flat paper package is faster)
- Faux flowers with stems, (pick your favorite Spring flowers)
- Floral wire, small wire cutters
- Pussy willow branches
- Ribbon for a bow
- Hot glue gun
Use whatever faux florals you like. I considered using faux greenery to make the wreath’s backdrop part easier to reuse at any time of year. But Spring to me means flowers. And I think those little purple flowers from the Dollar Tree are fabulous.
Making the Wooden Bunny
Making the wooden bunny is simple with just three simple steps, dismantle, paint, and sticker.
Step 1 – Dismantle
If your bunny comes with anything glued on top of it like mine did, you will start by carefully prying these parts off. I used my Cricut tool, sliding it underneath and carefully lifting the ear and tail off. Unfortunately, the glue still removed some of the wood from the front. The easy fix is to use the other side for the bunny front.
Step 2 – Paint
Paint the bunny front and back with two coats of white craft paint, and let the paint dry between coats. Craft paint dries quickly but I painted mine the day before so there was lots of time.
My bunny had an ear and a tail glued on, so I painted the front and edges in a soft pink color.
Step 3 – Apply the Dollar Tree Flower Sticker
A couple of weeks ago I found a different Dollar Tree and is so much better than the one I had been going to. Pardon me for my excitement but I was able to purchase an assortment of transfers and stickers. This is my first project using them and I am very happy with them.
Begin by choosing a large floral wall sticker. Place your bunny on top, and adjust the placement until you get the part of the sticker you like best Trace out the portion of the wood bunny you want to cover with the sticker.
Cut the sticker out making sure to cut just inside the pencil outline. Remove the back of the sticker and place it on the wooden bunny. Rub the sticker smooth.
I did not seal my bunny, you can choose to seal yours with a layer of Mod Podge. My bunny also has a hanging hole at the top, I left the hole at the top so I can attach the top of the bunny to the wreath with a small bow.
Carefully apply the sticker to the front of your painted wooden bunny.
Our bunny is done, set it aside and we will start making the actual wreath.
Making the Wreath Backdrop
Step 1 – Cover the Inner 3-wires with Rope
Doing the simple wreath in two layers inside white and outside with flowers gives it a fun dimensional style. The white portion contrasts with the bunny and the purple artificial flowers frame it. This makes it an easy DIY wreath to decorate, you don’t have to worry about individual flower placement, making this part easy.
Take your wreath form, and find the inner three wire rings. Wrap the white cord repeatedly around the three innermost wires.
Weave a short tail of rope into the wreath form first and then cover it when you wrap the wreath base. Push the rope up from the outside leaving the outermost circle of wire unwrapped. Then pass the rope through the main center of the wreath.
Repeat wrapping the cord all around the wreath, making sure to keep the wraps tight, and full. Place an extra wrap of rope along each side of the wire cross pieces.
When I began the wrapping process I thought it would take a couple of hours to do, it went surprisingly fast because of the flat paper wrapper. It is a bit snug to pass through the wire for the first wraps, but as you wrap the rope package will become thinner and slide through easily.
When you get to the end of the rope, keep a couple of inches out and push it into the wrapped portion of the wreath. Add the next rope and continue. It only took half an hour to wrap the wreath, I was pleasantly surprised.
Step 2 – Encircle the Wreath with Flowers
I think the two tones with the white center and the outer circle of flowers make for a beautiful wreath, it’s also easy to do.
To encircle the wreath with flowers, cut the wire stem of each flower to about 5 inches long. Then cut a piece of floral wire about a foot long. Lay the flower alongside the side of the wreath, running the stem down the wreath form’s wires.
Attach the wire and then begin wrapping the stem with it. Don’t wrap the flower itself, spend some time arranging the leaves so the wire doesn’t squish them. After you have the first inch of two of the stem wired in, start with the next flower and repeat the process.
This is an easy way to arrange flowers, just line them up all around the outer edge. When you reach the end of the first flower stem make sure it’s wired in as well.
Continue this all along the outer wire of the wreath. It should be fine, but once done turn the wreath over and check for any unattached stems. If you find any you can likely guide them into an existing wire wrap, if not add a little wire to secure them.
DIY Spring Wreath Video Tutorial
If you want a video tutorial with step-by-step instructions instead, I have posted one to YouTube for you. It shows ever step of creating the Spring wreath DIY, including the bunny.
The latest on Youtube:
Step 3 – Putting it All Together
Now that we have both the bunny and the wreath background finished, let’s assemble them, and add a beautiful flower arrangement, with pussy willows, flowers, and a green ribbon.
Step 1 – Securing Spring Bunny to Wreath
Secure the top of the Spring bunny to the wreath with ribbon ties through a couple of the rope wraps.
Step 2 – Make the Flower Arrangement and Ribbon
Begin by trimming off the pussy willows and removing any excess branches. Then trim the main flower and wire it and the pussy willows together.
Next wire the floral arrangement to the wreath form with more wire leaving enough room for your ribbon. Wrap the wire that shows using ribbon.
I substituted a one-inch ribbon for a thin ribbon I had on hand, making it work. I wrapped the ribbon around cardboard, wired the middle, and then added a double strand of long tails to the bow. Again check out the YouTube video linked above if you want step by step how to instructions for this part.
After wiring and floral arrangement and the ribbon to the Spring wreath, I hung it on the front door as it was. I did not put a separate wreath hanger on the wreath preferring to hand it from the outer wire.
The DIY Spring wreath is the perfect addition to our front porch to welcome Spring. Pretty Spring wreaths are such an easy way to celebrate spring and like this one, they can be inexpensive if we make our own DIY spring wreaths. The weather here is still early Spring, I can’t have any plants outside yet, but this wreath is a fun way to push Spring into our home decor.
Don’t forget to pin this for later!
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