Lollipop Ghosts for Kids
An Easy Halloween Craft to Have on Hand
Make these simple Lollipop Ghosts with your little ones. If you are older like me I think it’s a great idea to have the supplies on hand for when a little person drops by. A large envelope or ziploc filled with the prepped Tootsie Pop ghost supplies; is placed in a drawer waiting for when the little children drop by.

This tootsie pop ghost craft for kids is a ten minute Halloween craft idea you can easily do with little kids. Make a ghost with them to take home for later, and then surprise them with a second candy to have right away.
I absolutely love Halloween, second to Christmas for my favorite season. If I had to describe why I love Halloween in one word I would say “playful”. Halloween is the most playful of the holidays to me. It’s about color and tacky decorations and whimsy, crafts and DIY decorations that don’t have the same quality expectations I have for the other holiday seasons.
Unfortunately, as I get older I have to change how I celebrate this much loved holiday. I don’t get to take little ones door to door anymore, no more fun costumes, or even dressing up for the office. I used to have little parties for my granddaughters but sadly they are past that stage now. But I can still play (foot stomping on the floor), darn it. I give the occasional chocolate bar to parents coming with their little ones. Showing them the chocolate bar first and asking them to say trick and treat before handing the surprise over. Our house is always as well decorated as I can afford to come up with each year. Not sure if I am doing it for the kids or myself, but I get such joy from doing it. The next few posts are all about Halloween themed ideas, and I have several I am finishing up, starting with this one for Tootsie Pop ghosts.
That was a scary lot about me, wasn’t it? Let’s get to the quick tutorial.
Lollipop Ghosts for Three Kids Supplies
The supplies I used for my lollipop ghosts were all found at the dollar tree.
A large envelope or ziploc bag
6 large round lollipop candy sticks
Tissue (Kleenex) or round coffee filters
Small elastics
Thin ribbon (in assorted colours if possible), cut in 5 inch lengths
Black Sharpie Marker
How to Make Lollipop Ghosts with Kids
This is such a quick and easy craft, by pre-doing the ribbon you can skip scissors altogether, and the Kleenex comes in just the perfect size.
Have the little one wrap a tissue around the Tootsie Pop. Help them make at least one side as smooth as you can for the ghost face.
Bring the tissue together where the pop meets the stick, and have the child you’re crafting will hold it in place. Place a small elastic around the bottom of the head.
Show the little ones the choice of ribbons, pick a favorite, and then you tie the ribbon around the top of the candy stick.
Using the marker, draw a ghost face on the tissue. You could use colored markers to do a more creative ghost face if you like. The little one can choose if they want to do it, or if they want you to do it.
Give them the ghost pop to take home while you surprise them with one they can have right away.
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Here is a post I did when my granddaughters were tiny. I threw a last-minute party for them and made a sneaky snake sandwich. Complete with a sneaky snake song playing from YouTube. Halloween really is so much fun! I am excited to share this year’s posts with you.
Last Minute Halloween Party Idea
At the last-minute Halloween party for including this sneaky snake sandwich for Halloween and a pumpkin craft.