Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

I thank you so much for joining me on my blogging adventures.    I hope you enjoy your holidays surrounded by loved ones.

Were taking some time to enjoy the holidays.  Hugs and see you in 2018.




  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful and safe New Year’s.

    1. LeannaForsythe says:

      It is minus 27 Fahrenheit in Edmonton today, so I am not venturing out at all. Life use to continue as usual in cold weather, but now I am old and spoiled lol.

      You stay safe this New Years and I look forward to reading about your celebrations. Hugs Leanna

    1. LeannaForsythe says:

      Thank you, Debra. Over this last year, you have been such a constant support of my blog. I want you to know how much I appreciate it, and how much I learn about the different types of products available from reading your blog as well. Hugs and I hope you have a bit of a holiday xo.

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Leanna and wishing you a happy, healthy, creative and successful New Year! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2018.

    1. LeannaForsythe says:

      The same to you Marie. I set a goal to see you in January!!!!

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