DIY Carrots for Spring Decor
How to Make Fabric Carrots
These easy to make DIY carrots are both adorable and useful for Spring decor. Its a fun Spring or Easter craft idea you can make yourself or with teens, This year I created these fabric carrots out of adorable polka dotted orange fabric, but they would be cute in neutral fabrics as well. While snooping in our local fabric store I found some adorable polka dot orange fabric on sale. I can think of a dozen Spring decor ideas to use this DIY carrots for, but first of all I need to show you how to make them.

Half a meter (yard) of the fabric cost $4.00 and made 15 of these little fabric carrots. It takes 15 minutes to make each carrot. You don’t necessarily need 15 mini carrots, but I would make at least three.
How to Make DIY Carrots
For these DIY carrots you can use all sorts of different fabrics, fabric quarters, left over fabrics and ribbon. I fell inl ove with the polka dotted orange fabric but have some fun and enjoy fabric shopping.
Fabric Carrot Supplieso
Cute cotton fabric
Green felt
Polyester stuffing/filling
Stitch ripper
Needle and thread
Sharp scissors
Using the hand drawn fabric carrot pattern and the leaf pattern cut out your fabric. You can cut two layers at a time including when cutting the felt.
(Typically when I sew I use a zig-zag stitch to seal all the fabric edges, I skipped that step this time, as these diy carrots are very seasonal and I will toss them rather than wash them.)r
How to Sew Cloth Carrots
Once you have the carrot patterns and fabric cut outs done you can start sewing your project. Fold over a narrow section of the top of the carrot cut out and sew creating a seamed edge on top.
Then fold the carrot in half lengthwise and sew a narrow seam along the edge to a point at the bottom.
Turn your fabric carrot right side out and using a stitch ripper pull out the point of the carrot.
Add the stuffing, I found it helpful to start with a grape-sized piece of stuffing and push it down into the very end with my finger so that I could feel that it was placed in the point. Keep adding fill until the carrot is full.
Using a needle and thread weave stitch the top of the fabric carrot.
Roll the felt into leaves and insert into the carrot.
Pull the thread to gather the top of the diy fabric carrot, pull tight and stitch through the top of the carrot making sure that you sew through the leaf portion.
Tie with a pretty ribbon, ricrac, or twine and you can add a button or a small flower if you like.
lI think these DIY carrots are adorable, they look so cute just laying on a shelf or counter. I have a few places where I am going to use and I will share the ideas on how I use them later on this week.
Other Spring Craft Ideas
DIY Carrot Cushion
This fun DIY Carrot Cushion is the perfect DIY Easter gift. Pair it with the world’s happiest Easter bunny toy for a whimiscal Easter present idea.
Print and Cut Bunny Banner
No special paper needed for this fun bunny craft. Just print, cut and string this easy to make DIY Bunny Banner Spring Craft
Hi Leanna! This DIY Carrots for Spring Decor idea is amazing! I love how you transformed a simple piece of fabric into an adorable Easter decoration. Your step-by-step instructions make it easy for anyone to recreate this craft. I can’t wait to try it out and add a pop of color to my home this spring. Thank you for sharing!
These miniature carrots are adorable. I’m all about cute Spring and Easter crafts these past weeks 🙂
You are so talented Leanna
Hi Leanna! I am featuring your Fabric Carrots at Totally Terrific Tuesday today. I also wanted to feature your vintage dress garland but I chose the carrots for Easter. Please link up the vintage dress garland after Easter. Both of these projects are fabulous! You are so talented.
Wow Sherry thank you so much! I was so happy with your comment I read it out to Hubs. Looking forward to the link party.
Your miniature carrots are adorable, Leanna – love the fabric you used! Pinned
Hi Marie. Thank you. I made quite a few of them to use in different ways, but they were easy, fast and inexpensive, so why not! Happy Spring eventually my friend.
I remember that huge carrot pillow of yours. It’s always been one of my favorites and now these polka dot ones too. So cute Leanna and I love how easy they were to make.
Your carrots are adorable, Leanna! What a fun touch for spring decor. I love polka dots, too! Pinning.
Thank you for letting me know Beverly. It is funny how something as simple as a polka dot can make you feel happy. I appreciate the pin very much.
Oh my goodness, these are so cute! Pinned!
Thank you very much Amy. I am happy to hear you like them. Thanks for telling me.
Soooo sweet, you found the perfect orange fabric for these.
Thank you, Julie. I have a soft spot for polka dot anything.
These carrots are cute and they look eas to make too. I am pinning.
Thank you very much for the pin. These little carrots are super easy to make they only take a few minutes to put together.
Those carrots are so darn cute I can’t stand it! Pinned so I can try this later. Have a good day!
Thank you very much for the pin. I love these little carrots, especially when paired with a bunny.
These are so cute and could be filled with mini eggs for Easter, what a treat to wake up to.
Great idea! I should try and design something similar, where the middle had a pull string closure.
Few weeks ago I organized all my fabric (accumulated over several years),seem to think might have some orange fabric to make 3 of these anyway for cute basket gotten yesterday at Walmart. Great tutorial so ought to be able to make them, hope so as they are so cute. Love the felt leaves also. Love your orange polka dot fabric for the carrots.
Happy week
That’s great JaneEllen. The leaf pattern is done so that you can just roll it up instead of having to attach individual leaves. Isn’t a fabric stash wonderful? Especially once its all organized.
These polka dot carrots are TOO CUTE! I just made some twine wrapped carrots for some stuffed bunny hangers. I think your version would have saved me some time. Great tutorial. Pining to my sewing board. Thank you!
Thank you, Audra. I am going to go check out your carrots. They really are great for updating existing Easter decor.
These are just adorable. Spring seems such a long ways away that I feel an urge to make a few of these:)
Hi Milena. Easter arrives here before Spring does so I am used to just enjoying Spring indoors before outdoors. These were really handy for updating decor I already had.
Very cute! I can’t wait to do this project!
That’s great. They go together so quickly and I am certain you will enjoy them.
These are adorable. Especially since I also have been thinking about carrots. And creating a carrot craft. Great minds as they say 🙂
I look forward to seeing yours Debra. Over the next one or two posts, I am going to show how I am using them. So much cheaper than buying a bunch of a faux carrots.