Dollar Tree Easter Bunny Craft
Dollar Tree Easter Bunny Decorations
Make the cutest Dollar Tree Easter craft using a Dollar Tree bunny wall hanging. wall hangings. This bunny topiary decoration for Spring is a fun weekend DIY decoration idea you can create to match your holiday decor. The dollar stores this year had some adorable Easter wall plaques that I love. Unfortunately, the bunny plaques were smaller than I would use but perfect for crafting.

Bunny Topiary Dollar Store Supplies
I purchased everything for this craft at the dollar store for less than $15. I had my paint but you can use any latex paint you like or Dollar Tree store craft paint.
- Two wall Easter bunny wall plaques
- Craft paint or Fusion paint
- Two heavy glass jars
- Screwdriver, paint scraper
- 120 grit sandpaper
- Long BBQ skewers or small dowels
- Florist foam
- E6000 glue, hot glue
- Two Dollar Tree wire greenery bundles
- Ribbon & twine
- Green Moss
How to Make a Bunny DIY Decorations for Easter
Gather your supplies, and using a small screwdriver remove the staples from the back. With a paint scraper remove the metal ears and original burlap bow. If some of the bunny comes off with the ear don’t worry. Sand the front as smooth as you can with 120 grit sandpaper. The ears go back on as does a ribbon and that will cover any damage caused by removal.
Paint the front and back of each wooden bunny. Make sure to catch the sides and any drips. To prevent drips I prefer to do the back first so any drips can be sanded off the back instead of the front.
It took three coats to cover the front of my bunnies and two for the back.
Paint the metal ears in a pretty coordinating color, I used sea foam green.
While the paint dries you can prepare the topiary bases and wooden dowels/skewers.
Cut your skewers so that one is about 18 inches long and the second one 14 inches. Set aside.
Making the Bunny Topiary Bases
When purchasing the glass jar bases I made sure mine were heavy, so that I didn’t need to add anything for extra weight. Remove the labels and wash the jars thoroughly. Let dry.
Using a piece of florist foam. Place on top of the jar and cut a large square bigger than the opening. Carve the foam down, in slices until it fits.
Add E6000 glue to the bottom of the foam, and place it in the jar. Stuff the remaining bits of foam around the block of foam to fill in the space as much as possible. Set aside. ( If you’re using a light jar or can base instead of packing the jar with the remaining foam, use something heavier.)
Finishing the Bunny DIY Decorations for Easter
Now that all the prep is done now the fun party starts where you can start seeing your creation. Do you start to get excited and hurry at this stage? I certainly do.
Using E6000 glue the metal bunny ears back in place. Let harden.
Lay the wreath flat on your table, and insert the dowel from the bottom so that it comes up over half of the opening. Glue both sides of the dowel inside the wreath where you can’t see it.
Place your Easter bunny decoration on the wreath and make sure your dowel doesn’t show above the bunny. If the placement is good cover the top of the dowel with lots of hot glue, then place your bunny and hold. Add hot glue behind the bunny’s ears and legs so that it attaches to the wreath. Repeat for the second bunny.
If you like my soft style of Easter decor, I have an Easter Decorations Board on Pinterest. On there you will find all of the different Easter decorations I have made including bunnies, tulips, carrots, and lots of printables to enjoy.
Decorating with the Bunny Topiaries
These bunny topiaries can be used in pretty much any room as part of an indoor centerpiece. They are beautiful on the back of a Spring tray centerpiece as they give the arrangement height, and are likely easier to use than a frame, etc as they stand on their own.
Embellishing the Dollar Tree Easter Bunny DIY
I think it’s easier to decorate the wooden Easter bunny and the topiary jar bases before assembling. I tied a thin Dollar Tree white ribbon and twine around the bunny’s neck and the wreath.
Then I added the same ribbon to the green glass jars.
Finally, insert the bunnies and dowel into the base.
Other DIY Easter Decorations to Try
DIY Spring Decor Sign
Using canvas paper and a free downloadable printable this super easy farmhouse Easter sign can be made in under an hour. It’s a great teen Easter or Spring craft idea as well.
DIY Dutch Tulip Crate
Make this DIY Dutch tulip crate in less than an hour using scrap wood or pallet wood. It’s a beautiful rustic decor piece for Spring and Summer and is so versatile and strong. I want more of them for our home.
Easy Print and Cut Printable Bunny Banner
A really fun farmhouse Spring or Easter craft is one of my most appreciated posts. The bunny template comes with the designs and colour includes so you just print and cut on cardstock.
They’re adorable, Leanna. The green hoop in the background creates such a beautiful sense of motion. It looks like the bunnies are jumping through hoops of joy.